Cooperation with Other Supervisory Authorities


The Czech Trade Inspection Authority (CTIA) relationship with Trade Licensing Offices is very close and good, in accordance with Government Resolution 1316 from November 15th, 2006. Joint controls by CTIA and municipal licensing offices employees pertain, on the basis of the Agreement on the Coordination of Control Activities between the Czech Trade Inspection Authority and the Czech Ministry of Industry and Trade’s Licensing Offices, to supervising compliance where control competencies of both agencies overlap or where these competencies are divided according to Act 634/1992 Coll. (on consumer protection), Act 353/2003 Coll. (Excise Tax Act), and Act 247/2006 Coll. (limits on the operation of pawnshops and other establishments at night).

The two agencies also consult each other in the area of methodical procedures; they exchange information; and they use each other’s supervisory authority in their own surveillance activity analysis.


Cooperation occurs on the basis of agreements concluded at the level of individual CTIA inspectorates and representatives of the Customs Directorates and offices. The primary area of collaboration occurs in the coordination of planned inspections, standardization in the application of legal standards, the avoidance of control duplicity, and the setting up of a working information exchange system. In practice, this cooperation occurs in coordinating inspections by mutually consulting methodical procedures and “competency cooperation” where the concerned authority notifies the competent authority of any suspected infringements.

Joint audits are aimed primarily at eliminating the supply and sale of goods which infringe on intellectual property rights and which are sold at markets on or near the border.

The barrier of the historic mutual disinterest in cooperating was eliminated in 2007 with the cooperation agreement. Further closer cooperation is planned for the future.

The directors of individual CTIA inspectorates are tasked with the implementation of the collaboration.


The Agreement of Cooperation was signed in the second half of 2007. One of the results was an exchange of authorized personnel contacts in the CTO’s professional offices and the CTIA’s inspectorates. Another was the start of preparations for the implementation of joint inspections, specifically, becoming familiar with the CTO’s field and laboratory measuring equipment.

A working committee was appointed to discuss controversial or unclear cases. This resulted in 30 common topics related to the marketing, distribution, sale and use of radio and telecommunications terminal equipment, and the offering and supply of electronic communications services, where it was necessary to precisely define jurisdictions according to the issue at hand. The goal of both parties is to streamline cooperation in the transfer of ideas and queries from consumers and professionals as well as to standardize the CTO and CTIA’s processes in these matters.


The goals of this mutual cooperation are not only inspection activities, but also prevention which aims to reduce the sales of products made from waste (alternate fuels, building materials, etc.) that either do not meet the legislative requirements and/or the manufacturer’s claims.

The 2008 Agreement on Cooperation between the CTIA and CEIA was signed in November of 2007. It focuses on the control of waste collection, scrap yards, and ensuring that the responsibilities of manufacturers and importers of packaging (packaged products) are being met. Representatives of the responsible CTIA and CEIA Inspectorates will be responsible for the coordination of activities.


The CTIA also works with various police forces, particularly the Czech National Police, the Border and Immigration Police, and Municipal Police at the inspectorate level, especially for the inspection of the sale of goods which infringe certain intellectual property rights, the sale of alcohol to minors, of scrap yards, bazaars, taxis etc. The combined inspections take advantage of each agency’s authority: the police provide security for inspectors during risky inspections and assists in verifying the identity of the persons being inspected. Conversely, the CTIA provides the police with assistance in proving illegal activities of the inspected person, specifically taking advantage of the CTIA’s right of entry into storage areas and the ability to make inspection purchases. Combined inspections are always fully coordinated to avoid unnecessary duplication, thus maximizing the resulting effect.

The CTIA provides the directorate of the Border and Immigration Police necessary information (on request) about foreign entrepreneurs who reside in the Czech Republic over the long-term, and who repeatedly violate laws or obstruct judicial or administrative rulings.


Cooperation with professional and other associations, whose aim it is to increase the protection of the consumer’s legitimate interests through prevention, is also an integral part of the CTIA. To this end the CTIA partners with:

  • Association of E-Commerce Companies, Entrepreneurs and Experts (APEK)
  • Association of Travel Agencies
  • Association of Hotels and Restaurants
  • Association of Inspection Agencies
  • Association for the Packaging Industry
  • Association of Gas Equipment
  • Association of Laundries and Cleaners
  • Association for the Glass and Ceramics Industry
  • Consumer Electronics Association
  • Association of Elevator Manufacturers
  • Czech Association of Petroleum Industry and Trade (ČAPPO)
  • Czech Chamber of Authorized Engineers and Technicians
  • Czech Anti-Piracy Union (CPU)
  • International Federation of the Music Industry (IFPI)
  • Association of Importers and Manufacturers of Automotive Parts and Service Equipment (SISA)
  • Association of Commerce and Industry
  • Confederation of Commerce and Tourism (SOCR)
  • Association of Medical Technology Manufacturers
  • Packaging Association (SYBA)


There are signed and/or renewed cooperation agreements with all supervisory authorities in the Czech Republic, whose authority to inspect is linked with the CTIA’s inspection authorities, or who have joint authority under the law. In particular, this pertains to the exercise of national regulations in specified areas of technical equipment which are transformed into products in accordance with Act 22/1997 Coll. (e.g. pressurized, gas, electrical, lifting and transportation equipment used in production and which use stored energy). Here, inspections, from the area of manufacturing and the use of technical equipment and products where extraordinary incidents occurred, are mutually shared (for example, the State Labour Inspection Office, the Rail Authority, etc.).

The CTIA cooperates successfully with the Office for Standards and Testing (ÚNMZ) and MPO (ÚNMZ cooperation agreement), where the goal of unifying activities places mutual emphasis on legislative-technical areas.

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