Consumer rights in the consequence of the spread of coronavirus

(Prague, March 10, 2020) In connection with the COVID-19 disease before travelling abroad, we recommend to follow the current recommendations on the website of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the competent embassies of the Czech Republic in the country where you are about to travel. We also recommend that you keep track of the latest information on the website of the Ministry of Health and the State Institute of Health. "The coronavirus has already reached all EU countries, such as Italy, France, Austria, Spain and Germany. Given the growing number of infected, many travellers are unsure whether they should go on holiday or stay at home. However, is it possible to cancel stays that have already been booked without the need to pay cancellation fees? This question is not so easy to answer, because it always depends on whether you have ordered a package travel, i.e. linked travel arrangements, or just accommodation or other separate services, not included in the package travel," says Mojmír Bezecný, the Director of the Czech Trade Inspection Authority.

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