Czech Trade Inspection Authority detected 88 cases of alcohol sales to juveniles in the second quarter, a significant increase compared to the first quarter

(Report for the second quarter 2024)

(Prague, 27 August 2024) During the second quarter of this year, the Czech Trade Inspection Authority carried out an inspection action primarily aimed at verifying whether traders in the domestic market comply with Act No. 65/2017 Coll., on Health Protection against the Harmful Effects of Drugs, Act No. 353/2003 Coll., on Excise Duties, Act No. 307/2013 Coll., on Mandatory Marking and Labelling of Alcohol, and other laws. In the second quarter, 1,699 inspections were carried out, and deficiencies were detected in 812 inspections (47.79%). The most serious finding was the sale of alcoholic beverages to persons under the age of 18, detected in 88 cases.

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