Advisory activities

Advisory and Information Service

The Czech Trade Inspection Authority carries out free-of-charge advisory-information services within the scope governed by applicable legal regulations. We cannot decide whether a trader is obliged to accept your claim as legitimate or to reimburse the paid price in case of withdrawal from the contract and we cannot decide whether a trader breached the contract. Usually only courts can issue legally binding decisions in civil disputes.

All information and advice for further steps provided by us within the advisory service, are only recommendations. Our opinions stated in recommendations is not legally binding for consumers nor traders.

Our recommendations can differ from possible future decision of the court, other departments of the Czech Trade Inspection Authority or any other public authority in administrative or other proceedings.

Information about consumer rights can be found in the Consumer Guide. Before submitting a query, we recommend you to read the information of the Consumer Guide where you can find information faster than when asking an individual question.

It is our goal to answer queries from the public as soon as possible, usually within 30 days from the date of the submission. We ask you not to send reminders regarding your submissions before the above mentioned period ends.

Hereby we note that as a general rule the Czech Trade Inspection Authority IS NOT a competent administration authority especially in the below mentioned fields. Within the information and advisory activities we don’t answer queries that are out of scope of the CTIA. Please, turn directly to the competent authorities when you have a query relating to the following topics:

  • Food, meals and tobacco products: State Agricultural and Food Inspection Authority
  • Food of animal origin: State Veterinary Administration
  • Public health protection (hygienic and noise regulations): bodies of public health protection
  • Regulation of advertising: regional trade licensing offices
  • Electronic communication (including telecommunication services): Czech Telecommunication Office
  • Financial services (surveillance): Czech National Bank
  • Financial services (dispute resolution): Financial Arbitrator
  • Energies (energy, gas and heat supplies): Energy Regulatory Office

Consumer queries within the advisory and information service of the Czech Trade Inspection Authority can be submitted via the e-filing system.

The help line of the advisory service is also available to consumers – from Monday to Friday from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m.

+420 222 703 404

Personal visits at the Advisory and Informations service are possible:

Inspectorates CTIA in Prague, České Budějovice, Plzeň, Hradec Králové, Brno and Ostrava are available from Monday and Wednesday –  from 8 to 12 a.m. and from 1 to 4 p.m.

Inspectorate CTIA in Ústí nad Labem is closed until further notice.

The advisory service is provided in Czech language. Queries are also accepted in Slovak language. Answering queries in other languages is not guaranteed.

The advice provided by the Czech Trade Inspection Authority doesn’t replace a professional legal assistance. In case that you are interested in detailed assessment of a particular case, we recommend you to turn to an attorney of law. The list of attorneys is available on the website of the Czech Bar Association

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